Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How to create an Operations Manager Data Warehouse Database


If you have chosen to use SQL Server R2, SCOM 2007 R2 will not create the Operations Manager DW database through the Operations Manager 2007 R2 Reporting Wizard. Instead, you have to create it yourself.


Causes include:
o   Assuming you’ve installed everything correctly up to this point, The SCOM installer will guide you up to here:
o   At this point, you would normally not have the database red X. The wizard would fail. The SCOM 2007 R2 installation wizard was not designed to support  SLQ Server R2
Do one or more of the following:
1. Go to the directory where you have your SCOM install files and click on the Support Tools. There are three folders under this folder.  Each folder has programs for the specific OS your currently running. In the case of 64bit, there is the AMD64 folder. Double click the appropriate folder. Once open, you will find DBCreateWizard.exe almost at the very top.  Double Click on it. After the program is up and running, click next.

At this point, change the database type from Operations Manager Database to the Operations Manager Data Warehouse Database. You can  add 1433 for SQL Server and change the directory paths for the database.
WARNING:  The ownership of the database by default will be the logged on user at the time it was created. You can change ownership later.
Click Next to continue.
If successful, the program will bring up a message box to that effect or, if it fails, it will tell you why.
When you’re done and you’re back into the install, click on the database and select: This component will not be available.
The setup program should continue running and may have some installation errors involving reporting.


  1. The Reporting data warehouse stores data for a specified length of time, ... Tasks. How to Configure Grooming Settings for the Operations Manager Database. survival warehouse products
